Finding Accessible Help Desk and Customer Service Software
April 21, 2021

Describes the lengthy process I endured to find an accessible Customer Service and Help Desk platform for my business. Includes my top choice for the impatient and the runners up and flameouts discovered in the process.

Version 0.82 of cliqo released
February 15, 2021

This new version of cliqo includes a redesigned cliqo Online Console for easy connection of QuickBooks Online companies, license management, and downloads. The documentation has also been enhanced to include samples of common command usage and sample output.

Version 0.81 of cliqo released
January 11, 2021

This new version of cliqo uses a "verb noun" syntax in order to be more consistent with PowerShell, git, and similar command line utilities. The documentation has also been enhanced to include samples of very command and sample output.

Version 0.76 of cliqo released
December 24, 2020

This new version of cliqo adds the edit command for updating QuickBooks records.

Version 0.75 of cliqo released
December 23, 2020

This new version of cliqo supports the activate, delete, inactivate, print, and void commands

Version 0.70 of cliqo released
December 21, 2020

The latest version of cliqo can now produce 23 QuickBooks reports. The report, list, and view commands now support output in JSON.

Introducing cliqo
November 30, 2020

cliqo is a command line program for QuickBooks Online. With it, you can:

  1. List supported entities in a tabular form

  2. View all fields of individual entities

  3. Output to console, redirect to text file, or send to clipboard for easy pasting into Excel or Google Sheets

Using QuickBooks Online With a Screen Reader
July 8, 2020

Historically, when users of assistive technology had to choose an accounting system, the two main choices were QuickBooks Desktop by Intuit and Cash Manager by Accomplish. Within the last several years, QuickBooks Online has improved in accessibility enough to warrant consideration as a third option.

Exporting From QuickBooks Online to Desktop
June 9, 2020

While Intuit has made it easy to convert from QuickBooks Desktop to QuickBooks Online, the same surely cannot be said of the reverse. Here we list the actual steps necessary to accomplish an export.