3. Reports

3.1. Reports Available

Using the report command, cliqo allows you to run the following reports:

Shorthand Full Report Name
bs BalanceSheet
pl ProfitAndLoss
pld ProfitAndLossDetail
tb TrialBalance
cf CashFlow
iv InventoryValuation*
cs CustomerSales
is ItemSales
ds DepartmentSales
cls ClassSales
ci CustomerIncome
cb CustomerBalance
cbd CustomerBalanceDetail
ar AgedReceivables
ard AgedReceivableDetail
vb VendorBalance
vbd VendorBalanceDetail
ap AgedPayables
apd AgedPayableDetail
ve VendorExpenses
al AccountListDetail**
gl GeneralLedgerDetail
ts TaxSummary

* Inventory Valuation only available with QuickBooks Plus subscription and when inventory is enabled

** Account List Detail gives permission denied at this time (pending)

3.2. Report Formats

Like most commands, the report command supports various formats. See the section on the –format option.