4. Options

4.1. Global configuration Options

Several command-line options are available to override the global defaults in cliqo.json:

4.1.1. –clipboard

Sends output to the Windows or Linux clipboard instead of standard output. This is useful to paste contents into a text editor, Excel, or Google Sheet.

4.1.2. –config

Specifies where to search for cliqo’s configuration files. The default is the current directory, /etc underneath it, the directory where cliqo is running from, /etc underneath it, and the value of the CLIQOPATH environment variable.

4.1.3. –fields

The fields option controls which values are displayed using the list and view commands. Currently, fields can be set to all or essential. essential is the default.

4.1.4. –format

The format option affects how commands like list, report, and view display their results. The supported formats are:

Format Description
CSV Comma separated values with strings in quotation marks “
JSON Javascript Object Notation, useful when passing output to other programs for further processing
TSV Tab separated value, particularly useful when used with the clipboard command to subsequently paste into spreadsheets

4.2. Environment Variables

The following environment variables are supported:


Specifies where to search for cliqo’s configuration files. It can be used in place of the –config option.

Here are some examples:


$ export CLIQOPATH=$HOME/cliqo


C:\> set CLIQOPATH=c:\users\qb\cliqo


PS C:\> $env:CLIQOPATH=”c:\users\qb\cliqo”